
“Friendship and understanding between people and across different cultures is one of life’s most important objectives”

GIFT supports outgoing young UK citizens to establish friendships and direct cultural contacts through ‘homestay’ visits with indigenous communities in developing countries.

To date GIFT has helped more than 350 young people make friendships in no fewer than fifty two different countries.


Every Prospective Applicant Matters...

GIFT Trustees will consider awarding bursaries to deserving young applicants who have thoroughly planned and prepared themselves for such a challenge, and can demonstrate the need for a financial contribution towards their undertaking.

Subject to funds being available GIFT is able to offer a limited number of bursaries each year, up to £600, to young adventurers who have made their arrangements through bona-fide organisations who arrange homestay projects in developing countries. e.g. Operation Raleigh, project trust or similar organisations.

GIFT realise most applicants will be gap-year students or those enhancing their educational courses, e.g.medical electives but the Trustees actively encourage the participation and character building of young people not pursuing an academic route to their future.