A trip to a country in the developing world will require meticulous planning and mental preparation. Applicants for GIFT Bursaries will not only have to demonstrate they have made a study of the location they will visit but importantly as part of the ‘all-round experience’ show their various pre-trip fundraising and planning initiatives to make it all possible.
GIFT can only offer part of the costs to any successful applicant.
On their return the Trust would ask for a short report showing the degree and nature of the understanding they have experienced. Also it would ask to identify any problems incurred, so that these could be relayed to future applicants visiting that particular country. Précis of these reports could be reported in our annual newsletter,on our website, or in Rotary news.
As part of the on-going character building exercise, on your return GIFT would ask you to co-operate with your local Rotary Club to give a short presentation about your ‘friendship and understanding’ adventure, and of course the help given to you by GIFT.